Towards a politics of viscerality:

bodies, affections and literature in Gloria Anzaldúa


  • Andrés Julián Caicedo Salcedo


borderlands, politics of viscerality, animalization, body, affections


This article makes a profound borderland reading of some of Gloria Anzaldúa’s approaches from both Frantz Fanon’s anti-colonial gaze and Achille Mbembe’s Politics of Viscerality. Simultaneously, this essay spreads-outan invitation to stress and recognise the centrality of the body and affections in Anzaldúa’s proposal: these two stand as fundamental axes in the display of borderland lives. To develop this thesis, in the first part of this work, the racial and police violence that currently shakes the United States is presented with the aim of understanding the bodyas a visceral territory of resistance. In the second part, on the basis of the notion of Borderlands produced by Anzaldúa, this work deepens into the role that affections play in the subversion and reconfiguration of political space. Finally, once again from Anzaldúa’s voice, this essay establishes a relationship between body, literature and knowledge.

Author Biography

  • Andrés Julián Caicedo Salcedo

    Maestría en Filosofía Universidad Nacional de Colombia y Maestría en Literatura Universidad de los Andes, Colombia


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How to Cite

Towards a politics of viscerality: : bodies, affections and literature in Gloria Anzaldúa. (2016). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 3(2).