The bitch daughters and the tiger sons

(An analysis on reinforcing and denostative animalization in human beings behavoir)


  • Diego Andrés Andueza Kovacevic Universidad Alberto Hurtado


language, animalization, woman, anthropocentrism


The radically of an "other one" is undeniably defined by the understanding that we have of not human beings. All the arbitrary discriminations share the same logic: that to have the possibility of appropriating of other one is sufficient to do it. In simple terms, which to have the power is to have the reason. Following the above mentioned limit we speak, with minor or major knowledge, on the human beings referring to the animals. We point at positive or negative attributes, in general the humiliation is feminine (bitch, viper, fox) and the reinforcement is masculine (wolf, lion, tiger). That the way more common of animalize negatively to someone is resorting to feminine examples, it is not by no means eventful. In this regard, it is necessary to consider to be the brutal distinction that per centuries meant not to be a man for hundreds of thousands of women about the world; women disabled only by the fact of being yes same, to studying and working, and to taking part in politics. Definitively, when form a part in an active and integral way the companies in which they lived. But which would be the relation between the contempt towards the animals and towards the women in the western culture? This text seeks to give indications for this question. And of step, to open a space for the deep one and little attended question, in the Latin-American context - discussion that the beef up animalization and humilation deserves in the treatments between human beings.


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How to Cite

The bitch daughters and the tiger sons : (An analysis on reinforcing and denostative animalization in human beings behavoir). (2016). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 3(2).